Open Enrollment

  • Parents/Guardians may request to send their child to an elementary school other than the one that serves their regular attendance area once the student is fully registered with the school district. Requests will not be accepted earlier than February 1 or later than July 1. Parents/Guardians moving into the district after July 1 but prior to the end of the first two (2) weeks of school may request open enrollment for their child at the time of registration. Please contact the home school to apply for open enrollment. Requests for open enrollment must be made using the link button "Open Enrollment Application” at the bottom of this page.
    Consideration for open enrollment requests will be determined by the following criteria:

    1. Space availability in a particular school and grade after resident students are assigned.
    2. Siblings of students who are currently enrolled in the open enrollment school will be given priority consideration. There is no guarantee that all children from one family will be accepted for open enrollment based on the criteria above.
    3. Requests for open enrollment assignments out of a building will not cause that building’s student enrollment to fall below a limit established by the Board.
    4. Parents/Guardians who elect to apply for open enrollment agree that their child will comply with all of the following conditions:
         a. The student will not exceed a total of six (6) tardies and/or unexcused early dismissals.
         b. The student will not exceed fourteen (14) cumulative days of absence.
         c. The student will not be picked up late at student dismissal more than three (3) times.
    Failure to comply with these conditions of open enrollment may result in the child being denied the open enrollment privilege for the following year.
    5. If approved for open enrollment, the open enrollment school will assume that the parents/guardians accept the assignment. Should the parents/guardians wish to withdraw the request, they must notify the open enrollment school.

    Once a student has been accepted into a building under the open enrollment option, that student will be permitted to remain until the end of Grade 5 unless revoked for cause stated above. The student will not be permitted to transfer to another building within the district at any time during that school year.

    Parents/Guardians must assume full responsibility for transporting their child.

    Parents/Guardians should seriously consider open enrollment requests to elementary schools where students matriculate into their resident middle school since there is no open enrollment at the secondary level.

    Open enrollment is approved for the remainder of the student’s time in elementary school unless revoked for reasons listed above.

    Being approved for open enrollment does not guarantee child care with BASD's Child Care located at the open enrollment school where your child(ren) have been granted to attend.

    To apply for Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year, please click here.