- Employment Certificates
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Employment Certificates
All students ages 14, 15, 16, and 17 need employment certificates (work permits) in order to comply with state and federal Child Labor Laws. Students ages 12 and 13 may only work as caddies (restricted to caddying 18 holes per day). They are required to obtain employment certificates. Newspaper carriers are not required to obtain employment certificates. Applications for all employment certificates for public and nonpublic students can be obtained on the Bethlehem Area School District website or at the Child Accounting Office at the Education Center (1516 Sycamore Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania). BASD students can also obtain employment certificate applications at their middle schools, and high schools.
Employment certificate applications for Bethlehem Area School District students (ages 14, 15, 16 and 17), once completed, must be turned in to the Child Accounting Office at the Education Center or the students' middle or high school. Work Permits are transferable from job to job and are valid until age 18 or graduation from high school. The student must return the completed application, not the parent. Students must sign their Work Permits in the presence of their school office or the Child Accounting Office at the Education Center.
All nonpublic students must obtain and turn in their completed employment certificate applications to the Child Accounting Office at the Education Center.
All must be completed before a work permit may be issued but not necessarily in this order:
- A parent must appear in person at the school office (BASD public school students only) or the Child Accounting Office (all students) to sign the application.
- Bring in the student's birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or passport as evidence of age. Sixteen and seventeen year olds may also present a driver's license or driver's permit.
Please contact the Child Accounting Office at (610) 861-0500 ext. 60270, 60273, or 60274 with any questions.